

Threaded Rod-(MS Stud)

Short Description:
A threaded rod, also known as a stud, is a relatively long rod that is threaded on both ends; the thread may extend along the complete length of the rod. They are designed to be used in tension. Threaded rod in bar stock form is often called all-thread.
Manufacturer B.B.S
Availability In stock
Place Of Origin India
Return Returnable Product
1 week
₹ 95.00
Old price: ₹ 104.50

GST @18% Inclusive Price: 112
This product has a minimum quantity of 50

Product Specification

*Threaded Rod- (Ms Stud )

*Quick installation

*Long life span

*Rust resistance


Threaded rods are widely used wherever a fastener of greater length and rigidity than a standard bolt is needed to secure two items together. They can be used to pin / secure wood or metal items together or to give additional strength to structures supported by concrete and other materials. Their threading makes it easy to attach nuts and other fixings to the rod as required.

Threaded rod is therefore perfectly suited for supporting or suspending items from roofs and ceilings such as pipework, cabling and ductwork, making it popular in construction. They can withstand very high levels of pressure and tension hence threaded rods are often used in MEP and HVAC applications to provide a secure fixing for support systems. Available in a wide variety of types, lengths and materials, threaded rod is also used in a number industries for fastening materials such as:

  • General construction
  • Electrical installation
  • Mechanical and plumbing installation
  • Heating and ventilation installation
  • Engineering
  • Plant room maintenance
  • Manufacturing, production and processing facilities
  • Automotive assembly and repair
  • Agricultural